
Terragon Terrain | Modular Magnetic Tile System

Created by Terragon Terrain

Terragon Terrain is a modular terrain system designed with ALL tabletop games in mind. Each tile aligns to the next using powerful rare earth magnets. Easy self alignment means each Terragon will always snap right into place, no positive, no negative, only the results you need when you want them. Want to learn more about Terragons? Check out our Kickstarter page or our website to learn more. Terragon Terrain was born from our games. We hope to make it a part of your next session too!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

TNT #1
over 3 years ago – Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 02:21:46 PM

TNT, Terragons News Thursday

As promised this is the first of our weekly updates! We have some exciting news to share and news that some of you have been asking for.

Updated Tile photos!

We have recovered our prototype tiles and taken updated photos of each. Please note that these tiles are not the final product and are 3d printed samples. When we get the test mold in we are going to be doing rigorous testing to find "just the right colors". And obviously the physical appearance of the tiles themselves will change due to the means of production.

Here is a sneak peak at all unlocked colors in prototype tiles! Updated individual photos for each tile are now in the pledge manager!

Acrylic Status Tiles

We are sneaking in tests here and there for the laser and it is a blast! By far one of the coolest machines any of us in the shop have ever used. Below is a photo of us testing cutting settings to ensure the best result for the final tiles!

Scatter terrain updates coming soon as we finalize and optimize production processes!

See you on the next, TNT.

New Year, New Machines. The Update
over 3 years ago – Sat, Jan 16, 2021 at 03:34:24 AM

Hello all,

First off all of us from Babble Tree Productions would like to wish you all a happy belated New Year and hope the holiday season finds you safe and sound.

There are a lot of excuses we could give about having nearly a month long stint of near radio silence. But none of those really matter. Instead we will promise to improve our communications with you through both Social Media and here on Kickstarter. Starting with the announcements of weekly updates!

"So what is going on over there?"

Short answer? A LOT!

Injection Molding

The bread and butter of Terragons is well... The tiles. So lets start with a progress update on these and pull back the curtain a bit for you all. Long before we pressed launch on our Kickstarter we met with numerous injection molders. Covering design, durability, and what we expected out of these parts. It was (and still is) very important for us to work with a local company and manufacture our tiles in the USA. We feel that while the cost is much much higher, we have a better control of quality and a host of other variables.

Before we go any further lets preface that this story happened BEFORE the Kickstarter ended and was resolved LONG BEFORE the Kickstarter ended.

Our chosen Injection Molder dropped the ball. I mean come on how could they? They where the chosen one! We had provided them with 3D models and rigorous expectations of Quality and Craftsmanship. The designs and recommendations they provided where just horrible. Our first and foremost priority is creating not only a high quality product but one we would want to buy. Needless to say we pursued other options.

Enter our Luke Skywalker, stage right. A night and day difference to the previous company. They took our strict adherence to quality to heart and ran with it. Despite Bryson's in depth design and Corey's engineering knowledge we hired a Freelance Injection Molding Engineer that came incredibly highly recommended to review and revise the design to make it the best it can be.

Fast forward to the last day of the Kickstarter. We contacted our manufacturer for a sit down to finalize this thing. Due to demand we needed a bigger mold. Great! But to be 100% sure everything worked exactly how we wanted and met our standards we ordered two molds! One which would make one Terragon at a time to nail down design and materials. The other which can make 8 tiles at a time! 

We now await delivery on said molds. Despite COVID-19 related setbacks we are assured of a prompt delivery. We cannot wait to get these going and share them with you!

Scatter Terrain!

For those of you who don't know Corey sculpts all of our scatter terrain. Then Bryson adds magnets and prints tests. To ensure quality of print and overall appearance. Modifications are made until we are happy with the final designs. We have finalized the design for all of the rocks. With unique shapes and designs for each scale. Production will begin on these when all printers are calibrated and filament arrives.

But to meet demand we needed to add even MORE printers to our farm. Here's a snapshot of what our 3D printer farm looks like after we just finished assembling the last printer.

Just done assembling!

Acrylic Status Tiles

When we where dreaming up stretch goals for the Kickstarter one that really stood out was acrylic status tiles. As avid table top gamers we all have loved acrylic tools to enhance our war games and RPG's. Templates seemed like an obvious choice, but we where wary of relying on an outside source for a stretch goal like this. So we decided that we place the stretch goal in a way that would allow us to purchase our own machine. Flash forward to this crate arriving at our shop.

But is it big enough?

Inside this crate was an item that made all of us here at Babble Tree feel like the holidays just kept on coming. This crate arrived YESTERDAY and we couldn't wait to rip it apart and reveal what was inside.

And what a beauty she is. Staying up well past our bed times to get this thing together and up and running we cannot be happier with the result. After Kickstarter fulfillment we have big plans for this machine!

We will be sharing more and more updates as we begin to ramp up on production on the items we can begin creating. So keep an eye out on our socials and here for that info!

The Elephant in the Room

Corey here, I don't think its right to share this update without covering the whole COVID-19 situation. Thankfully all of us here have remained safe and healthy, and we practice all proper precautions while working in the shop. But I have personally been under Quarantine 3 times in the past 2 months with Bryson at a current total of 2. New York, like most states, has some pretty strict regulations regarding all of this. During quarantine we are unable to get together in the shop. 

We have been prioritizing other areas but as we move further and further into production we will need to be even more cautious to keep pace. We are not expecting any issues, but the days we live in are uncertain and what the government says goes. If anything happens rest assured you will be the first to know!

For now we will continue to keep our nose to grindstone and keep pushing Terragons further forward. Stay safe everyone and see you next week.

Surveys have been sent!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Dec 01, 2020 at 10:30:04 PM

Update Time!

Hey everyone, a super simple update for you. Surveys were sent out a few days ago and it seems its going really smoothly!

We are definitely happy we went with Backerkit as it has made the pledge process so much easier for everyone!

We wanted to send this update to ensure everyone is notified that surveys have been sent, we still plenty of time until they are locked in but please finalize your pledge soon and get the Terragons of your dreams!

If you missed the Kickstarter but are getting this update, head over and check out our Backerkit pre-order store: 

So... how are things?

Things are going quite well over here. It has certainly reached a new level in our shop! Ordering an awesome new laser machine for the status tiles, finalizing packaging, finalizing color selections, and ordering custom 3D printing filament just to name a few!

The holiday season is in full swing, and we hope you all remain safe in these crazy times!

More updates will follow in the weeks to come as we renovate our shop and take delivery on new equipment to make Terragons truly come to life!

Sand and more!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 01:56:54 AM

Sand is here!

Sand is here in all its glory!

Backerkit Surveys:

We have submitted our surveys to Backerkit for review and are just awaiting their approval. Once it gets approved you can expect to see it headed your way.


We are working hard with our manufacturing partners to get our tooling for the final tiles. We will be sure to share updates as we work our way through the process. We are also on the hunt for a warehouse space for all of the goodies you all have coming. We are ordering new machines for our in house production and have placed an order for... wait for it...


Thanks to our awesome community we had to order an absolutely insane amount of magnets.

Stay tuned for more updates while we get busy doing the real work of getting your awesome new terrain system in your hands!

$100,000 | 100% Funded | And Sand?
over 3 years ago – Tue, Nov 03, 2020 at 10:59:53 AM

You did it!

You walk into the humble Terragon Terrain shop, it is said to have the coolest terrain system in the land. Approaching the shopkeepers you notice some amazing: SAND tiles and very cool cut COLORED ACRYLIC STATUS TILE TOPPERS


With just over an hour remaining we have hit our 100k stretch goal. We are speechless over here to say the LEAST!

Who knew you where all so excited about Sand?!?! I mean come on sand? We will be releasing more details post Kickstarter to wrap everything into a nice hex shaped bow. 

We will be keeping everyone in the loop as the process moves forward. We want you to know what is going on and how everything is progressing. 

But for now, lets see what this last hour has to bring!

Congratulations to all backers!